söndag 21 december 2014



Vår klubbs metproffs Kent Adell har skrivit en artikel på engelska om Feeder (bottenmete) Vm på Irland.
Kent Placerade sig som 9 individuellt av 125 tävlande. Grattis. Det svenska laget kom på en 12e plats totalt av 25 lag.
Här under kommer artikeln med Kents egna ord om framgången på Irland.

Mvh Henry

World Feeder Fishing Championship 2014

A rapport from the World Feeder Fishing Championship at Ireland 2014 by Kent Adell, Team Browning Sweden.

It was the biggest World Feeder Championship so far with 25 participant nations.

The World Feeder Fishing Championship was to be held at the big reservoir Inniscarra Lake at Coachford. It was a new area of the lake that was going to be used. To be able to do that a road had to be made alongside the bank.

A resume of the practice week.

During the practice week we tested different groundbait mixes based on Browning M7, Dutch Danger Wild Black River, Dutch Danger Mad Roach with and with out leeam.

The mix we agreed on worked best was 2kg Wild Black River + 2kg Mad Roach + 0,5 kg M7.

The mix was sewed hard to get the biggest particle out of the groundbait. We boasted the mix with one bag of CC Power Additive Toffe Karamell to get a strong smell.

At the end of the week i started to over wet the groundbait while i was fishing and noticed that it worked better for the bream. Sens it didn’t explode out of the feeder and attract the roach.

At the same time we started to notice that if you had Jokers in your groundbait you attracted the bream better.

So a tactic was formed for the competition days.

The competition days

Day one Saturday:

Was notified by our captain that i was to sit on peg 22 on C-section. When i arrived to the peg I saw that it was a bit out from the bay and closer to the point. Felt pleased with where i ended up sens it was shallower in the bay.

The weather for the day was over clouded with rain mid ways the competition.

Started to plumb up and noticed it was much deeper here than in the bay.

Sens there were a lot of pegs that you couldn’t fish to far out at we sad that we should find a spot between 18-25m and 6-10 seconds. I Found a nice smooth and snag free spot at 8 seconds and 22 meters out.

Tackled up 6 rods 2 11fot CC Stillwater, 2 12 fot CC Super feeder and 2 13f Black Viper S.

The choice of the day was the 12f Super feeder with a 28g flat lead plastic feeder. Taped up the holes on the feeder to avoid groudbait getting out on the way down. Did this so i wouldn’t attract to much Roach.

The hook choice at the start was a size 18 thine wire wide gape black nickel tied to a 0,10 Cenex line of 65cm.

The tactic was to target the bream in the start and go over to roach if the bream didn’t show.

At the 10 minuet groundbating we agreed on to take it slow and not over throw with feeders to avoid to attract Roach.

So i started with a feeder mixed with Jokers, chopped worm and casters, made shore the feeder was clean from groundbait on the outside. Let the feeder lay for around 2 min and then slowly emptied the feeder so the ground bait laid still on the bottom. Put out 2 more before the start nice and calm.

Started with a feeder with the same mix as the groundbaiting and a single maggot on the hook.

Got a roach straight away and the next 10 fish was roach and hybrids. Noticed that i was catching bigger Roach and hybrids then my neighbor due to my heavier groundbait.

After around 30 min i noticed a different indication on my tip. Pulled up and changed bait to a small read worm. Put out the feeder again and got a nice pull around on the tip and hooked my first bream. Put out the feeder again and got a good pull around on the tip again, got the feeling that the bream had parked on my peg.

Kept feeding the next feeders with worms and castes and started to notice the bits getting very delicate and just small 2-3mm indication. I did strike a couple of times on these small indication and there were no fish. So I did leave the worms and casters out of the next feeders I put out and did only put in Jokers to see how the fish would react.

After 3feeders the fish started to respond rely well with the best pull arounds on the tip for the hole day. This would last for around 30min until the rain started and the fish turned back to being shy biters again. This time I had to wait out the bits until I got a good indication on the tip.

For the remainder of the competition I had to sit on my hands so I didn’t strike to soon, some times I could see indications for several minutes until a good bite came along. Did try different hook lengths and baits to see if I could get a better indication but didn’t find the best way of the day.

Still I manage to catch a total of 49 fish and of those I had 26-30 breams.

During the competition I felt that I was putting fish regularly in the net compared to my neighbors and that I would be in the top. I did know that peg 24 was netting fish regularly.

I was told by some spectators that I had done well on my section and when I herd that the top wight so fare was a bit over 12kg, I got the feeling that I could have more.
At the weigh in the scale stooped at 13.058g and top wight so far.

I knew that peg 24 had been catching good. Was informed that he had weighed in 11.777g.

YES!!! it was now clear to me that I had won the section.

Day two Sunday:

After day one I felt that the tactic worked very well and that I had a chance for a medal.

I Was drawn to sit on peg 11 on D-section. It was not in an area that would have been my first choice. It was just after the point that was on D-section.

The weather for the day was over clouded at the start and sun midways in to the competition.

Started to plumb up and noticed that it was deeper closer in then the day before. I had 8 seconds at 19 meters out and the bottom felt ok. Decided to fish the same depth as the day before.

Today I only tackled up my 12fot rods and the 11fot rods.

Used the same groundbaitmix as the day before and did the same groundbaiting in the start as well.

As similar as day one the roach and hybrids was first to show and I was catching well compared to my neighbors. After 35-45 min I noticed a change in the bites. The next feeder I put out was with a small red worm. It didn’t take long until I hooked my first bream. It was a nice fish around 700g.

What I could tell I was the second one catching a bream on my section. Felt very good that it worked to day as well. Did catch another one just 10minuts after. Then the bites was gone. What happen was that the sun broke threw and the bream moved away. Shit, what do I do know!!

Move out further and take a chance that the bream are there or go for the roach and put fish in the net. After a debate with my self i decided to go for the roach and get as low points as possibel for the team. It was know around 3 hours left of the match.

To get a good speed on the roach fishing I started to fish 5 turns on the reel further in.

I also changed feeder to a plastic with open holes so the ground bait would disperse quicker.

I went down to a size 20 black nickel thin wire wide gape hook as well.

Starting to catch roach straight away on the new spot but unfortunate the roach was very smal, ranging in the size 30-60g. After a good start the bites were starting to fade so I went back out to my first spot to see if there were any fish there. It was roach here as well and I did catch some quick ones.

So from know on I shifted spots as soon as I noticed the bits starting to fade, in this way I had quicker bites and did put more fish in the net. I noticed that it was very important to put on the maggot the right way. I had to thread the maggot on to the hook but not on to the hole hook. It needed to be thread on like a rubber jig with the hook coming out in the midle of the maggot so the maggot was straight. When I didn’t get the maggot pointing straight I didn’t get quick bits.

During my roach fishing I didn’t put down my feeder rod on the feeder support because the bits came very quick and if I didn’t have a bite with in 30 sec I moved the feeder 10-15cm to get a movement on the bait. And when I got a bite I only did a shot strike with my wrist that moved the feeder 30-50cm so that I could keep fishing if I didn’t hook the fish.

In this way I didn’t have to recast with out had put a fish in my net every time. My neighbors had to recast every time they didn’t hook a fish.

After the finish signal I had manage to catch 129 fish and I wasn’t very pleased with it. My felling were that I would end up around 12-13:Th place on the section.

When the wigh in arrived to me I asked what the highest wight was so far and I was told it was a bit over 7kg. Was surprised that it wasn’t more.

When they put my fish on to the scale it stooped at 5979g and I was 2:end so far on my section. I knew that the French guy 2 pegs on my right had a very good weight so where would I end up.

Our captain arrived at the end of the weight in and he got the final results from one of the other captains and I finished on 5:Th place on my section after all.

Was very pleased to hear that I ended up on a 5:Th place on my section.

So I had a total of 6 points over the to days, how far up the result would it take me?

I was notified by our captain that I had manage a 9:Th place over all and our team finished on a 12:Th place.

Was very happy to manage to get a place with in the top 10 at a World Feeder Championship.

Would like to thank my Team members for a fantastic week with all that comes with it.

A big thanks to Zebco for helping Me and my Team members.

Kent Adell, Team Browning Sweden.

torsdag 18 december 2014

18 December

Julen närmar sig och kylan håller sig borta. Sydvästvinden envisas och med den plusgrader och regnskurar. Den snö som kom för ett par dagar sedan finns endast kvar vid skogskanter och för övrigt är det barmark. Laxfisket på Vättern som brukar vara på topp så här års får vänta på sig tills vinden mojnat.

Undertecknad var ute idag torsdag på Sommen och letade efter lekande siklöjor för att om möjligt få matabborrar som kalasade på betesfisken. Vattentemperaturen i Sommen är nu nere på 3,5 grader och siklöjornas lek är nu i full gång. Ekolodet skvallrade idag om enorma ansamlingar av löjor vid lekplatserna .
De större abborrarna fanns på plats och pimpelfisket var riktig bra med 300 - 600 gr klunsar som hamnade i hinkarna för att bli matfisk.
Abborren gick på 12-15 meter även när bottendjupet var 25 meter.
Dagen gav 15 kg matfisk och därutöver småfisk.
De största abborrarna spottade siklöjor för omväxling skull. Som regel är norsen basfödan.
Dagen började med en blek morgonsol men vid middagstid strilade regnet ner. Vid 15.00 tiden blev det hemfärd. Det skulle visa sig att det var helt klart lättare att dra upp fångsten än filea allt hemma.

Utskick till medlemmar kommer vid nyår med info och inbetalningskort för 2015. Hoppas att klubben får ett ökat medlemstal 2015 då Sommen är en fantastisk sjö att fiska på.
Bloggen är nu uppdaterad med senaste informationen. Det saknas fortfarande fångstrapporter för 2014. Ni som trollingfiskar hör av er. Klubbens sammanställning vad avser fångster 2014 skickas in till Sommens Fvo i januari 2015.

Med vänlig hälsning Henry

Blek morgonsol.

Siklöjor i kopiösa mängder. Från 23 meter upp till 8 meter.


Halvkilosabborrar bland löjorna. De avslöjar sig som rödorange bågar.


Första hinken fylls på.

Kan det bli godare. Benfri abborrfile med grillkrydda stekt i rapsolja.

onsdag 10 december 2014

Tävlingsprogram pimpel östgötadistriktet 2015

Det är bara att vänta på is så kommer det igång.

Mvh henry

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